Did you miss Mother's Day or your mom's birthday? Are you trying to figure out how you can make it up to her? While some people will simply send a more expensive card or a bigger bouquet of flowers than they normally would, you're looking for something extra special. If you want to go the extra mile and show your mother how much you appreciate everything that she's done for you over the years, here are a couple of ideas to consider:
Entire house makeover: If your parents own their own home, they're probably always talking about how the outside needs a new coat of paint or various interior rooms are unorganized and in need of a cleaning. A makeover doesn't have to mean replacing all of your parents' beloved furniture, so why not help make their house more beautiful? A professional house cleaning service can tackle the interior, straightening out closets and deep cleaning rugs, while painters take care of the exterior. For maximum surprise, don't tell your mother about the painters. Instead, give her a gift certificate for a local day spa. While she's being pampered, you can supervise the painters. When she comes home at the end of the day, it'll be to a house that looks brand new. You can then tell her about the professional house cleaning that will help make the inside of the house look as beautiful as the outside.
Time off: If your mother lives in an apartment or in a small rental house, there's not much call for exterior painting. The home probably is also not in need of the type of deep cleaning that a larger dwelling can require after being lived in for a long time. So why not give your mom some time off, where she'll have little work to do for a month? Pay for a professional house cleaning service to come in once or twice a week to take care of the dusting, mopping, vacuuming and assorted other small chores. If your mom does all the grocery shopping, give her a break by gifting her a subscription to a food delivery service. There are many of them to choose from, with meal preparation options that range from extremely easy to complicated. If your mom is adventurous and actually likes to cook, you might choose a delivery service with complex recipe options. Otherwise, choose a service that has easy-prep meals so that dinner is taken care of without needing to get dressed up to eat out, needing to go to the grocery store, or having to spend long hours over the stove while everything cooks.